hi i think i made a bit of a mess explaining my problem so i am going to have 
another attempt :)

use Math::Combinatorics;
#this is where "permute" comes form

my @phraseA = ("%1\$s'16->^\\markup {\"A\"}  ", "%2\$s16-> ", "%3\$s16-> ");
my @phraseB = ("%4\$s'''4-.^\\markup {\"B\"} ", "%5\$s8-. ", "%6\$s8-. " );
my @phraseC = ("%7\$s''2--^\\markup {\"C\"} ", "%8\$s8-- ",  "%9\$s16-- ");
my @phraseD = ("%10\$s''8-+^\\markup {\"D\"} ", "%11\$s32-+ ",  "%12\$s32-+ ");
my @phraseE = ("%13\$s'''1-_^\\markup {\"E\"} ", "%14\$s16-_ ", "%15\$s16-_ ", 

my @phrasegroup = ([ @phraseA ], [ @phraseB ], [ @phraseC ], [ @phraseD ], [ 
@phraseE  ] );

#...@phraseperm (below) is all permutations of the 5 arrays of @phrasegroup (ie 
#i would like to have these 5! permutations arranged so i can process them as 
#for example i would like to write code that says do "this" to every third 
#or if the permutation contains "this" do that                                  
#in order to do this i need a "\n" at the end of each permutation               
#permute is a part of the  Math::Combinatorics module.            
#maybe its just a strategic positioning of a ,"\n" in the line below? i cant 
figure it out though - i can get line breaks after each permutation but i still 
only see them as array references 
(ARRAY(0x823e970)ARRAY(0x823e8e0)ARRAY(0x823e830)) etc. 
and not the content followed by a line break.

my @phraseperm  = map {...@$_} permute(@phrasegroup);

#flatten the array  (or maybe its here that i need the "\n" ?)                  

my @flatphraseperm = map {...@$_,  " "} @phraseperm;

print @flatphraseperm;

#i would like this file to have a line break between each permutation of 

open PERMOUT, ">$0.perm";
print PERMOUT @flatphraseperm;

i hope i made at least a little more sense that time :)




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