It's really a bug.
Because of the HW limitation, vertical stride is at least aligned to 2.
For 1D array image, the data has interval. The size calculated in memset is right,
but the image size is just twice as big as it.
Use clEnqueueWriteImage is safe and I will fix it later.

On 2015年02月04日 07:11, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
Both [3.18 kernel] and the 3.16 kernel have a different intermittent failure I have
yet to investigate:

compiler_fill_image_1d_array()    [FAILED]
     Error: dst[j*w + i] == 0
   at file
function compiler_fill_image_1d_array, line 63

The kernel itself (fill j<7,i<32 with 0x03020100) is working correctly; the problem is that the initial memset() clear (line 30) sometimes only clears half the array (exactly half, i.e. j<4 is filled with 0, but the rest is left at whatever it was before).

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