Macronya harus di enable kan dulu Pak, coba klik Office Button, klik 
Excell Options. Lalu pilih Trust Center. Klik Trust Center Settings. 
Klik Macro Settings. Pilih Enable All Macro.

Wassalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Sofyan Efendi.

--- In, "Dr.-Ing. Alexander Halim" 
> Ada teman-teman yang mempunyai pengalaman dengan Excel 2007 dan 
> membantu teman kita Pak Bambang? Saya sampai sekarang hanya 
> Excel 2003. Sekilas sih dari sisi macronya ngga masalah, mungkin 
dari sisi
> setting.
> Pls help.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Setyobudi, Bambang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2008/9/15
> Subject: Macro excel 2007
>  Pak Alexander !
>          Mohon Bantuan.
> Saya punya macro di office 2003. Yang nggak pernah ada masalah 
disaat buat
> kerja.
> Akan tetapi setelah berubah ke office 2007, macro tsb tidak bisa 
> Barangkali teman-teman punya solusinya, tolong sharing ke saya.
> Berikut ini saya lampirkan macro kerja saya di 2003 .
> Public Sub hapus()
>   ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 15").Select
>   Selection.Delete
>   ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 16").Select
>   Selection.Delete
>   ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 17").Select
>   Selection.Delete
>   End Sub
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Public Sub proses()
>   Dim nama As String
>   Worksheets("TITLE").Select
>   nama = Range("r63").Value & ".JPG"
>    'namafile = ""ChDir
>   namafile = "D:\DATA\HOME\DRAWING\1. Drawing Stem\" & nama
>   Range("E292").Select
>   If Dir(namafile) <> "" Then
>     ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(namafile).Select
>     Selection.Name = "Picture 15"
>   Else
>     ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("D:\DATA\HOME\drawing\1. Drawing
> Stem\kosong" & ".JPG").Select
>     Selection.Name = "Picture 15"
>   End If
>  nama = Range("r64").Value & ".JPG"
>    'namafile = ""ChDir
>   namafile = "D:\DATA\HOME\DRAWING\2. Drawing MOUNT\" & nama
>   Range("F342").Select
>   If Dir(namafile) <> "" Then
>     ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(namafile).Select
>     Selection.Name = "Picture 16"
>   Else
>       ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("D:\DATA\HOME\drawing\2. Drawing
> Mount\kosong" & ".JPG").Select
>     Selection.Name = "Picture 16"
>   End If
>   nama = Range("r65").Value & ".JPG"
>    'namafile = ""ChDir
>   namafile = "D:\DATA\HOME\DRAWING\3. Drawing LAMP\" & nama
>   Range("F392").Select
>   If Dir(namafile) <> "" Then
>     ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(namafile).Select
>     Selection.Name = "Picture 17"
>   Else
>      ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("D:\DATA\HOME\drawing\3. Drawing
> lamp\kosong" & ".JPG").Select
>     Selection.Name = "Picture 17"
>   End If
>   End Sub
> Terima kasih
> Bambang sb
> ------------------------------
> The information contained in this message may be confidential and 
> protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for 
> addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby 
> that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this 
message is
> strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended
> recipient, please contact the sender by return e-mail and destroy 
all copies
> of the original message.
> -- 
> Dr.-Ing. Alexander Halim
> mobile : +62 816 996996 or +62 8179 996996

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