ternyata ada attachment yang disusulkan.

Kira-kira scriptnya demikian :
Private Sub Cmb_Generate_Click()
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim sSht As String
    Dim W As Long, w1 As Long, aw As Long, hal As Long
    Dim lRecPerPage As Long, lTotalPage As Long

    'aw = 0
    'hal = 1

    'init object kerja
    Set WAdd = ActiveWorkbook
    Set Rng = WAdd.Sheets(1).Range("b2").CurrentRegion
    w1 = Rng.Rows.Count - 1
    If w1 < 1 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set Rng = Rng.Offset(1).Resize(w1)

    'init konstanta
    sSht = "SPKL"
    lRecPerPage = 30
    lTotalPage = w1 / lRecPerPage

    'loop create page
    For W = 0 To w1 - 1 Step lRecPerPage
    'If W Mod 30 = 0 Or w1 = 1 Then

        'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SPKL").Copy Before:=WAdd.Sheets(1)

        hal = hal + 1                   'init page number

        'With WAdd
            'drop existing sheet target
            'On Error Resume Next
            'If Not .Sheets(sSht & hal) Is Nothing Then
            '    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            '    .Sheets(sSht & hal).Delete
            '    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            'End If
            'On Error GoTo 0

            'create new sheet target
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sSht).Copy before:=WAdd.Sheets(1)
            Set SAdd = ActiveSheet
            SAdd.Name = sSht & hal
        'End With

        'write page main fields
        With SAdd
            .Range("i5") = cmb_area.Value
            .Range("i6") = txt_atasan.Value
            .Range("C6") = lbl_tgl.Caption
            .Range("C41") = w1
            .Range("i60") = hal & " Dari " & lTotalPage
        End With

        'init current page record count
        If W + lRecPerPage > w1 Then
            aw = w1 - W
            aw = lRecPerPage
        End If
        'w1 = w1 + 1
        'hal = hal + 1
    'End If

        'write data record
        If aw > 0 Then
            With SAdd.Range("A10").Resize(aw)
                'nomor urut
                .Formula = "=row()-9"
                .Value = .Value

                .Offset(0, 2).Value = Format(txt_scan.Value, "'000000")
                .Offset(0, 5).Value = Left(txt_jam, 5)
                .Offset(0, 6).Value = Right(txt_jam, 5)
            End With
        End If
        'aw = aw + 1
End Sub


On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 15:13, Kid Mr. <mr.nm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Private Sub Cmb_Generate_Click()
>     Dim Rng As Range
>     Dim sSht As String
>     Dim W As Long, w1 As Long, aw As Long, hal As Long
>     Dim lRecPerPage As Long, lTotalPage As Long
>     'aw = 0
>     'hal = 1
>     'init object kerja
>     Set wadd = ActiveWorkbook
>     Set Rng = wadd.Sheets(1).Range("b2")
>     Set Rng = wadd.Sheets(1).Range(Rng, Rng.End(xlDown))        'asumsi :
> tidak mungkin terjadi record berjumlah 0
>     'init konstanta
>     sSht = "SPKL"
>     lRecPerPage = 30
>     w1 = Rng.Rows.Count
>     lTotalPage = w1 / lRecPerPage
>     'loop create page
>     For W = 0 To w1 - 1 Step lRecPerPage
>     'If W Mod 30 = 0 Or w1 = 1 Then
>         'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SPKL").Copy Before:=WAdd.Sheets(1)
>         hal = hal + 1                   'init page number
>         With wadd
>             'drop existing sheet target
>             On Error Resume Next
>             If Not .Sheets(sSht & hal) Is Nothing Then
>                 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
>                 .Sheets(sSht & hal).Delete
>                 Application.DisplayAlerts = True
>             End If
>             Err.Clear
>             On Error GoTo 0
>             'create new sheet target
>             .Sheets(sSht).Copy after:=.Sheets(1)
>             Set sadd = ActiveSheet
>             sadd.Name = sSht & hal
>         End With
>         'write page main fields
>         With sadd
>             .Range("i5") = cmb_area.Value
>             .Range("i6") = txt_atasan.Value
>             .Range("C6") = lbl_tgl.Caption
>             .Range("C41") = w1
>             .Range("i60") = hal & " Dari " & lTotalPage
>         End With
>         'init current page record count
>         If W + lRecPerPage > w1 Then
>             aw = w1 - W
>         Else
>             aw = lRecPerPage
>         End If
>         'w1 = w1 + 1
>         'hal = hal + 1
>     'End If
>         'write data record
>         If aw > 0 Then
>             With sadd.Range("A10").Resize(aw)
>                 'nomor urut
>                 .Formula = "=row()-9"
>                 .Calculate
>                 .Value = .Value
>                 .Offset(0, 2).Value = Format(txt_scan.Value, "'000000")
>                 .Offset(0, 5).Value = Left(txt_jam, 5)
>                 .Offset(0, 6).Value = Right(txt_jam, 5)
>             End With
>         End If
>         'aw = aw + 1
>     Next
> End Sub

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