Mohon maaf ada ketidak cocokan antara tulisan di email dan di file, yang
benar penulisan VBAnya:
Sub Etung()
Dim kl As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim baris As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim it As Integer
Dim z As Integer
Dim itu As Integer
baris = Sheet1.Range("A10000").End(xlUp).row
z = 7
For i = 9 To baris
it = 0
 For a = 1 To 11
 If Sheet1.Cells(i, a + 3) < *Sheet6*.Cells(39 + a, 5 +
kelase(Sheet1.Cells(i, 1))) Then
 it = it + 1
 End If
 Next a
 If (it > 3 And Len(Sheet1.Cells(i, 3)) > 2) Then
  itu = itu + 1
 Sheets("kopi").Cells(i, 17) = z & Format(itu, "00")
 If (Sheet1.Cells(i, 15) < *Sheet6*.Cells(51, 5 + kelase(Sheet1.Cells(i,
1))) And Len(Sheet1.Cells(i, 3)) > 2) Then
  itu = itu + 1
 Sheets("kopi").Cells(i, 17) = z & Format(itu, "00")
 End If
 End If
 Next i
End Sub

manakah kesalahannya?
dapat dijalankan dari sheet 1 namun tidak dapat dijalankan dari sheet6.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Nang Agus
[belajar-excel] <> wrote:

> Asalamualaikum wrahmatullah,
> Kepada Member B-Excel.
> Saya membuat sebuah perintah VBA. Perintah tersebut dapat dijalankan dari
> sheet1 namun tidak dapat dijalankan dari sheet6, Manakah penulisan yang
> salah?
> Sub Etung() Dim kl As String Dim i As Integer Dim baris As Integer Dim a As
> Integer Dim it As Integer Dim z As Integer Dim itu As Integer baris =
> Sheet1.Range("A10000").End(xlUp).row z = 7
> Sheet1.Range("Q9:Q1000").ClearContents For i = 9 To baris it = 0  For a =
> 1 To 11  If Sheet1.Cells(i, a + 3) < Sheet3.Cells(29 + a, 5 +
> kelase(Sheet1.Cells(i, 1))) Then  it = it + 1  Else  End If  Next a  If
> (it > 3 And Len(Sheet1.Cells(i, 3)) > 2) Then   itu = itu + 1  
> Sheets("kopi").Cells(i,
> 17) = z & Format(itu, "00")  Else  If (Sheet1.Cells(i, 15) <
> Sheet3.Cells(41, 5 + kelase(Sheet1.Cells(i, 1))) And Len(Sheet1.Cells(i,
> 3)) > 2) Then   itu = itu + 1  Sheets("kopi").Cells(i, 17) = z &
> Format(itu, "00")  Else  End If  End If  Next i End Sub
> atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.
> Wasalamualaikum warahmatullah.
> NangAgus

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  • [belajar-excel... Nang Agus [belajar-excel]
    • Re: [bela... Nang Agus [belajar-excel]
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    • [belajar-... Nang Agus [belajar-excel]
      • Re: [... 'Zainul Ulum (Yahoo)' [belajar-excel]

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