On Wednesday 08 September 2004 03:33, Amir Rahat wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Amir Rahat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 14:24:03 +0600
> Subject: Re: Bangla Text to Speech Synthesis System
> To: Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks for ur opinion.I found ur discussions while i was searching
> with google n i read all of those.The thing is with Festival 1.4.3 u
> have to develop ur own diphone database (almost 1600 diphones for
> bangla) n u cant use the default diphones or phonesets used for
> english or french.Now as i found out most of the indian researchers
> depending on Festival for building a synthetic voice as its modular n
> u can add ur own modules very easily (like morphological analyzer for
> bangla) which u cant do with MBROLA (the other leading speech
> framework).If u carefully go through the framework documentation
> (Building a synthetic voice,http://www.festvox.org/bsv/) you will
> find out that its possible to build a better voice with festival.I
> guess u ppl read the system documentation first (as i followed the
> link given there).Besides English n french many languages like
> japanese, chinese,turky n other TTS are made with festival.Also the
> Indian IITs are switchd to festival (they were working based on
> MBROLA).S.P. Kishore n other ppl have started working with Alan W
> Black(http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~awb/) for building a better hindi TTS
> system.So i guess we should try with Festival first as we found out
> it as the best possible framework.I visited the dhvani site b4 but in
> many discussion i read that the voice quality is not that good.Also
> the Hindi n tamil voices which were built using MBROLA in CDEC n
> IIIT.So lets try with Festival first.You can run Festival on Windows
> also.
> For new features of Festival visit
> http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/

I'm sure that's  all true. We were looking for a quick solution and did 
not have the time to investigate long-term possibilities. So best of 
luck to you.

> We are now developing a diphone database but for that first we hav to
> define a bangla phoneset n till now i cldnt find out anything on the
> web.so thinking to visit Bangla Academy for help or otherwise we have
> to take help from any Linguistics.

For that at least, I think you'll fnd the work done by dhvani useful.  
Actually, that's basically equivalent to starting with the Bengali 
alphabet. The Devanagari alphabet is pretty scientific, in the sense 
that the letters of the alphabet correspond quite well to sounds. 
Bengali is a just a simplified version of that --- with essentially no 
difference between dantya-na and murdhanya-na, murdhanya-sha and 
talabya-sha, etc.

> I hope if we need any help you people will help us.


What are your eventual plans on licensing/redistribution terms?


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