You have to check the Init shapes. Cause I found Init shapes are not used in the PDF.


Hi all,
See the attachment - a PDF generated by OOo 1.1.2. It is a custom compiled
setup (running in my Debian box), with a few patches from the Fedora
project. It manages to render okaar and oukaar quite nicely.
However, it fails miserably in most cases while trying to render our
juktolist.txt - but I guess it has more to do with an old version of icu
than OOo itself. I have already backported the Indic related fixes in the
latest version of ICU to version 2.6 (used in OOo unstable) - and will be
backporting them to version 2.2 (used in OOo 1.1.2) asap. After that, I'll
try to release a custom build of OOo (with the Bangla locale data inside).



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