A good Idea indeed. I shall open en.wikipedia in a tab (of a browser) and anubadok (paragraph translator) in an adjacent tab. and then
  1. Copy a paragraph from en.wikipidea
  2. paste it in anubadok (paragraph translator)
  3. click the magic button to translate
  4. edit within anubadok for any spelling and grammatical mistake.
  5. Copy the bangla text from anubadok
  6. paste into bn.wikipedia (Oops! I had to open bn.wikipedia in third tab ;))
  7. add appropriate wikipedia tags
  8. click preview....and finally click save.
aha ! what a dream of mine.

On 09/08/06, Jamil Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/9/06, Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> as the anubadok website points out, translating wikipedia articles is
> a natural use of anubadok. This would be facilitated if there were a
> webpage similar to
> http://www.bengalinux.org/cgi-bin/abhidhan/bdict.pl
> that could work with paragraphs rather than words or phrases (much
> like http://babelfish.altavista.com/). Would that be hard to do?

Yes, it is a very good idea. :)

I have also asked GM bhai to put a file upload option. So people can
upload PO files and get auto translated file as a download link.


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