In a message dated 10/3/02 3:22:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<  Puppies I bred who have went to puppy daycare or sitters are some of the
 most outgoing well adjusted Berners!
 The most loving, well adjusted family who is seeking to add a puppy to their
 lives can end up disappointed if they are not ready to shoulder the
 responsibilities raising a puppy entails, ANY breed of puppy.
 Schedules have to be changed, time set aside for puppy training classes,
 someone to take the puppy in for vet checks, what do we do for vacation if
 puppy can't go along? grooming, putting up with dog hair on work & school
 clothes, finding hair in your food, these are things that have to be
 carefully discussed BEFORE you place a puppy and about a million more.  :  )
 These things I've discussed have not even touched on the many breed specific
 considerations. >>

Excellent advice and no, nothing elitist about it. To be honest, if we are 
TRULY interested in educating PPOs, we should be outlining all of the puppy 
negatives for any breed, not just Berners. When someone mentions they are 
getting a puppy, of course, we all want to know what kind. How many of you 
clam up when they say "A lab?" Do you end the conversation there or do you 
share your advice regardless? Do you tell them how hard a puppy will be and 
how much it will change your life? Puppyhood is not exclusive to Berrners for 
goodness sake...rescue is not specific to Berners and neither is puppy mill 
exploitation. While I love my Berner and will always pay careful attention to 
the breed, my concerns spread into the entire doggy kingdom....PPO education 
is for EVERYONE considering a dog/puppy, not just for Berner considerations.

If you aren't interested in educating everyone for every breed of dog, I 
believe that is truly elitist. I like all the things that Mary says regarding 
purchasing a puppy...and she is right too - I want everyone to enjoy our dogs 
(obvoiusly, I'm talking about the people who truly want and can care for 
them) -- 

Kim and Caesar

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