Right now, neither Monty nor Allegra is wearing tags... Monty has outgrown
his first collar and his uncle Rocky's collar is the right size only at the
smallest adjustment... it also is a slick nylon and becomes bigger with an
easy tug.  He'll grow into and possibly outgrow that one too, if he keeps
growing at the current rate.   They both wear the collars with tags whenever
we go anyplace, however, even with the risk of Monty pulling out of his.

As far as silent stalking of Dick's shoes, sox, hankies (even right from his
back pocket!) he is NOT silent, even with no jangles.  The moment he has
something, he earns the continued use of his name Thunderpaws.... besides,
sometimes he'll even stop and turn around to see if you are chasing him.
Sometimes, he'll even bark to let you know he stole something.  He is a

Allegra's collar is hanging on the hook with her leash... I'm not sure if
dog tags are edible, but every time she's dressed, Monty wants to undress
her... those tags are a very secure handle for him and she can't slip out of
his grasp.  Of course, it might be better to have her collar on any way,
since if it's not there, he hangs on the flesh of her neck or her ears...
she has the scabs to prove it on both sides of her neck.  If there's a toy
handy, I shove it between them, they both grab for it and that's the tug of
war instead of tormenting Aunty Allegra.  Even hanging on her neck fur, her
tail is usually wagging.

We'll do up some "proper tags" as soon as Monty begins to behave himself a
little better.

P.S.  both are microchipped, and our vet has a record of the number, too.

Pamela and Dick
with Allegra, (the Beautiful!)
and Monty (the mischievous pup)

Regarding tag collar pouches, I had never heard of them before and
immediately thought "GREAT IDEA!!"....then I remembered how
useful that tag jangling has been for me........

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