Bodhi is over 10 years old now. He had a "stroke-like event" 20 months
ago that left him with some pretty serious movement deficit in his
hindquarters. That condition is stable and he's adapted admirably,
although he is no longer a candidate for ski touring.

He's also got arthritis in his elbows. They are just about fused solid.
He's bright and cheerful, showing no signs of losing his interest in the
world, but he's slowing down a lot. Stairs have been out for 6 months or
more. Recently the arthritis has gotten bad enough that even a carpeted
ramp has become a challenge. I've gotten used to his small sounds of
pain when he gets up, but hearing them when he tries to come up the ramp
or raise his front legs high enough to get through the dog doors is
enough to drive me to search for more options.

He is on a glucosamine-chondroitin supplement. He also gets cosequin.
He's on a low bulk feed and his weight is under control (slight padding
over ribs, but getting a bit bony).

For the last few months the vet has been suggesting we consider Rimadyl.
She's given me a lot of information on the drug and suggested sources
for information on its pluses and minuses. I have followed up and
gathered a great deal of information from a variety of sources. There
seems to be anecdotal evidence of some breeds being more susceptible to
the bad side effects of Rimadyl, so I want to check in here to see if
there's any information that's BMD-specific.

Last week Bodhi was at the vet and we did a blood panel. His lever
enzymes are at 170, up from 140 9 months ago. The vet says that she
starts to believe she's seeing a clear indication of a problem when it
hits 200, twice the normal level.

I am considering the following: 1) Put him on 100 mg twice a day with
food. 2) Continue for two weeks under close observation for all the side
effects of Rimadyl. Stop immediately and get another blood panel if
anything suspicious occurs. 3) If he shows clear improvement at the end
of two weeks and he's tolerating the drug well then continue, else try
something else. 4) If continuing, try reducing dosage and combining with
cosequin to see what minimum dosage provides adequate relief. Get
regular blood work to keep an eye on liver enzyme levels (vet will do a
"short panel" to just check the liver issues for reduced cost).

So, questions: 1) Is a two week trial long enough? 2) Opinions on
likelihood of damage in a two week trial? How bad? Reversible? 3) If it
seems to be working out, how often should blood work be repeated? Once a
month? More often? Less OK? 

I know that few here are vets, but I believe many of you as caring for
our three-color friends as deeply as I do, so I thought I'd ask here,

Richard, Bodhi (10+ years) & Jack (8+, but still thinks he's a puppy)

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