Congrats on your new boy!!!  I got Smokey a short 8
months ago and I know how exciting it is.  I am a
graduate student so I do most of my work from home.  I
was worried that Smokey would be really upset and
noisy when I left and since i live in a duplex, I was
worried about our neighbor.  Well, somebody on the
list suggested that I try giving him something he only
gets when I am out (say a Kong filled with peanut
butter, etc.)  It worked like a charm.  

I introduced it by putting him in his crate with his
toy and just going out of site while he was
distracted.  Now it is gotten to the point where he is
actually excited when I am going, and by the time I
get home he is done with his treat and happy to see

Saves me a lot of guilty feelings!!

Good luck and take LOTS of pictures!

-------------Original Message  
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 12:14:31 +0100 
Subject: Cooper Comes Home! 
From: "Lindsay Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog List"

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Hi everyone!
Before I tell you all the details of the new addition
to the family, I 
say that I have been religiously reading the list now
(every day) for 
least a month and a half!  This, of course, has given
me great insight 
the world of the BMD and it really is great to hear
experiences from 
wonderful, caring owners that you all are!  I can tell
you that I am 
that I will have many, many questions to ask and in
addition to asking 
breeders for answers, just know in advance, that I
will consult all of 
too! :)  Your help and advice will be greatly
appreciated throughout
"Cooper's" life!
So, with that said...I have wonderful news!  My 10
week old "bouncing 
berner" came home this Sunday!
My husband and I moved to Switzerland at the end of
June from Florida 
change!!) and we have always loved the BMD's!  We
decided before we 
moved to
Switzerland permanently, that because we were finally
in the heart of 
land', now was a perfect opportunity to have a new
addition to our 
We did SO much research before selecting the perfect
breeders!  Thanks 
the help of our German and English speaking friend and
several trips 
Switzerland, we found the most wonderful Swiss-German
breeders just 
of Bern!  (Luckily their daughter acted as a
translator, too!) They are 
best I've ever loving to their dogs, so
professional and so 
responsible.   Their dogs were extremely well behaved,
loyal and HAPPY,
Once the puppies were born, hubby and I went to visit
each weekend and
really got to know their personalities.  It was
absolutely amazing at 
how we
just kind of "picked" each other!  His registered name
is in 
really not sure how to say it or even write it, but
they nicknamed him
"Yonko"   (You can see why we liked Cooper better,
right?)  His mother 
father and well, heck, his whole family, are very-well
decorated and 
sweet Berners but they all have tough names!  Anyway,
Cooper would come
running out first ahead of his siblings each time we
came to see him 
greeted us with several kisses and tail wags that
seemed to almost 
knock him
off balance!  We really bonded with him as well as his
whole family!
On Sunday when we took him home, he was so good.  I
sat in the back 
with him
just to comfort him and he slept the whole way.
Little Cooper seems to miss the company of this
brothers and sisters as 
as his mom and grand mom right now.   He cries a
little at night-time 
also when he "thinks" he's alone.  My husband (good
man that he is) 
took the
day off from work yesterday to help with his new
"son"!   We are really
working hard at trying to establish a daily routine
for Cooper.  He is 
first Berner and I truly can say he is unbelievably
smart already!
This is day 2 and he just walked right into the crate
to take a nap.  
seemed a little unsure of the crate the first
day...I'm sure it was all 
confusion of new surroundings and smells.  Probably
some separation 
as well.  
Speaking of separation anxiety, I know and understand
that it is very, 
early and that he is still getting used to his new
home, but will this
eventually subside?  I will be staying home with him
everyday which I 
is fantastic for him.  I guess my biggest fear is that
he will get so 
to me being here that when I go to the store or to
take hubby to the
airport, he will hate being alone.  What is the best
method of training 
to be by himself for these short trips without crying.
 (The Swiss are 
aware of all their neighbors and value their
We are going outside to "do business" about every 2 to
3 hours so 
at night we take turns.  I have to get used to the
here!  Last night I groggily got out of bed and when I
opened the door, 
blasted with 40 degree "wow-that-will-wake-you-up"
weather!  Cooper,
however, LOVED it! 
We go on short (very short...10 minutes) walks and
play ball and chase 
the yard until he gets tired which is about another
10-15 minutes.  
Then we
go inside and he sleeps for about an hour.  Then we do
it all over 
again!  I
can't get over how cute he is.  He's crashed belly-up
in his crate 
(with the
door open) as we speak...ears flopped out and paws up
to chin, 
from time to time...probably dreaming about the next
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