One of the mammary tumor cases mentioned by Pat was my
dog Hailey.  She is still alive at almost 11.5 years
of age.  (She was the case mentioned as had been bred,
and was spayed at age 5.5.)  If I remember correctly
she was diagnosed with the mammary tumor about 6
months after she was spayed.  Her daughter Zyla has
also been bred and was spayed at age 6.5.  She just
turned 7.  No mammary tumors yet.  I do keep an eye
out for them.  If you find them early enough, before
they metastasize, surgical removal is often a total
cure.  We did no other supportive therapy - just
removed it.  Hailey's was the size of a small-ish
marble, and was very firm.  Not so much of a worry for
owners of girls who were spayed young... but belly
rubs are a great opportunity to check your retired
brood bitches.

Hailey is slowing down... cannot get upstairs without
help.  But once she's up and moving, she still has a
nice trot.  I enjoy having my 3 generations of girls -
Hailey, Zyla and 2-yr-old Tanzi.  Hailey is very
bonded with Tanzi - the 2-yr-old terror with the grand
old lady.  Many memories that I will treasure always!

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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