Hi Marilynn
When the BARC littermate discussion was going on in June, I asked if there
was any info on my BARC Guy Rocky.  I was told that it looked like Star and
Rocky were 1/2 brother and sister and that Jasper, Star and Rocky had the
same father.  I don't know if this is right as I have no information on
Rocky other than he was born sometime in June and was included in the Nov.
10 rescue. 
As you are questioning what to do about hip and elbow x-rays, I thought I
would pass this "Rocky" diagnosis on to you.  In May, I took him to Dr.
Lenehan, an orthapedic vet in San Diego who is highly recommended.  (I had
him examine my other dog Indy at 18 months old.)  Here is his diagnosis:
"Rocky was x-rayed only as I see no reason to do a PennHip as it is obvious
from the xrays that the hips are beyond salvage thru surgery.  However, an
incidental finding was a transitional L7 vertabrae.  Dogs with transitional
vertabrae at the lumbosacral junction are predisposed to cauda equina
symptomatology later in life.  This is a genetic condition and the breeder
should be notified immediately."  (He laughingly suggested setting up a
trust fund for possible hip replacement surgery in the next few years.
I don't mean to alarm you but I thought you should have this info just in
case we are related.
Cardiff By the Sea, CA
> Date: Friday, November 8, 2002 3:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Surprised?! - Hip and Elbow testing question
> In a message dated 11/8/02 4:30:48 PM Canada Central Standard Time,
> << Also, remember that while making sure that the parents of a new puppy have
> both hip and elbow clearances is important (from a recognized organization,
> not the local vet :) >>
> Hi,
> Having not done any of the "test" yet (hips, elbows, eyes.....) I am most
> likely about to ask a very "uninformed" type question here....
> My BARC baby, Star, is about a year and a half now.  I had asked a few
> "preliminary" type questions related to testing of my vet.  It was very
> nicely explained that my clinic could do hip & elbow x-rays only or that, of
> course, I could get any testing I wanted down through the University of
> Minnesota including Penn Hip (? did I get that correct?)
> I say it was explained very nicely because there was no pressure to get it
> done either at my clinic or the University.  They just took the time to say
> the U could do it all and they couldn't.
> Now, as the time has been getting closer to do the hips and elbows, I had
> been starting to lean towards just having my Vet do the normal x-rays.  My
> reasons are strictly money based even though I haven't yet checked out the
> costs at all.  My thoughts are going something like this....
> Star is a BARC pup with questionable genetic lines.  (as I haven't even
> bothered to check out what - if any - information is available on Star's
> parents....  She is spayed and will never be bred.  She has never shown (so
> far) any issues that would lead me to expect any problems.  This is my chance
> to learn more about the breed, by learning more about the testing and also a
> chance to give others who may have Star's siblings more information about the
> pup they have in general and the pup's "family" more specifically....  I am
> not saying that I have ruled out doing the more expensive test for hips and
> elbows it is more along the lines of why not learn what I can through the
> x-rays my vet does, after all, I could always do the other test at the U if
> something looks "really" noteworthy.
> So my question would be given this is really only an informational thing for
> myself and also others maybe....  BARC puppy.....  etc.....   What would
> others do?  Go for the more expensive testing to begin with or just go to the
> vet?
> Many Thanks to you all :-)
> Marilynn and the Star baby.
> Minneapolis, MN

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