Hi All,
It has been awhile since I've touched base here, but I'm completely addicted
to reading my "L"
everyday! Truly better than the SF Chronicle!
I would love some advice regarding Zeus, but would first like to offer an
update regarding
the behavioural problems we were having. I hope it will give some insight
when considering my
request for advice.
As an update on Zeus (and to encourage new berner owners with young
energetic boys),
I am completely amazed at how he has transformed within...at most, a month.
It seems that he went to bed one night a chewing, jumping, barking pup and
awoke the next morning a true gentleman. At 16.5 months, he has arrived.
He continues to steal slippers and shoes, but no longer chews on them.
Instead, he rests his paws and chin on them for safekeeping.
Ever since we created an 'airtight' yard and gave him *complete*
freedom in our backyard, he is a Very content boy.
He is no longer anchored or limited to the downstairs portion of our home,
and can wander and explore at will.
Zeus comes everywhere with me - walks, dogpark, just about every car errand,

picking up the kids (where every child in both schools, including the "cool"

middle-schoolers, yell "Zoooooooooos!!" as they run to the car with hugs),
store, etc...etc..
He is truly my buddy and we are joined at the hip. He has a tendency to
shadow me throughout the day. Laying on my feet in my home office,
if I (carefully) get up to walk into the kitchen, Zeus will get up and walk
into the kitchen. If I get up from my computer to visit the bathroom, he
get up from his snoozing and follow me to the bathroom (not 15 feet away)
and wait by the door. When I run upstairs, he follows.
All of this I absolutely love and have encouraged (he sleeps on my bed, etc.
The problem is that a week ago he tore the main pad on his right paw
open, a very bad wound that required stitches and repeated visits to the vet

He still continues to follow me throughout the house, limping along.
I've tried leaving him in my office with the door shut when I'm just running
upstairs (or in the kitchen, etc. ) for a minute, but he then starts
at the door. This means that he is either using his hurt paw to scratch, or
balance on...neither one being helpful to his recovery.
I have been avoiding bringing him with me on errands, and when I return he
is either
at the window watching the street, or pressed against the front door.
Trying to leave him at home, or to limit his ability to shadow me at home
to make him want to stick to me all the more and he acts anxious.
I wonder it reminds him of his early anchored days and he worries about a
return to that
How can I limit his mobility in a way that doesn't stress him out?
I would really appreciate any advice, you are all the best.
Antoinette & ("where you going???") Zeus
SF Bay Area

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