I have a question. Why don't people, especially breeders, join the BMDCA? It
seems to me that if one is involved in a breed, s/he should belong to the
national breed club. Although by no means a measure of quality, I think it
is certainly one of those minimum standards that PPO's ought to inquire
about when looking for a puppy. And for a PPO, it is a wonderful entry into
the world of berners.

Staying in touch with puppy owners -- the first step is being very explicit
about the expectations before placing a puppy. I spell things out to the
potential owners -- what the contact looks like, how often I want to hear
from them, what they can expect from me, and my rationale for maintaining
contact. I let them know that not everyone wants that kind of relationship
with a breeder, and while that is perfectly acceptable it is not how I do
things. Any good relationship starts with clearly articulated expectations.

After the puppies go home, I maintain e-mail contact with the owners. I do
not rely on them to write to me, but will initiate contact by asking about
the puppy. I send out group e-mails with news and photos so that all owners
from a litter have a sense of what is happening with the other puppies from
the litter. I also make it a point to plan show trips to locations where I
have puppies placed so that I can see them. In addition to all this, I mail
a questionnaire each year and from those returned questionnaires, prepare an
annual report that I send to each owner and the owners of the male who sired
the litter. I am working on my second annual report now.

I try hard to be helpful and supportive to my puppy owners, without being
intrusive. Finally, I do not have so many puppies that I cannot track them
and care about each one -- and I never will because it is very important to
me to maintain those connections. In addition, it is very important to me
that I am able to maintain accurate information about what we are
producing -- and that is not possible unless one collects data from the
owners. I am aware of what it takes for me to breed in a way that supports
my sense of purpose and integrity, and producing so many puppies that I
cannot track them properly would not be congruent with what I want to
accomplish or my personal ethics.

Those are just some thoughts on how I maintain contact.

Mary-Ann Bowman
Emma, Abra, Maize and the ten-pack

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