I'm way behind in reading the List but I wanted to come to the defense of
diet, and especially Innova.  Living in the SF Bay Area, Innova was an
easily obtained dog food as it was manufactured there.  I fed my first
Berner on it and she was GDC excellent with clear elbows.  We moved to
Montana and it was very costly to have it shipped to us but I continued with
it.  When her daughter was born and ready for kibble, I fed her Innova.  She
too was GDC excellent, elbows clear.  I only stopped feeding Innova when it
became too rich for their digestion...for a time I mixed it with California
Natural and had good results, but shipping the food in became too cost
prohibitive.  My point is that my girl's pedigrees have consistently
produced dogs with excellent/good orthopedics.  I highly doubt that Innova
has anything to do with HD/ED, unless one over feeds/over exercises their

Shelley Gonzales
Bigfork, MT

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