The results of Annie's PM finally came back last week - took ages
this time, but it was pretty thorough.
She died of heart failure -she had myocardial oedema, which is water
in the actual muscle tissue.... And because heart failure cells were
found in the lungs, it is reckoned that she had been in heart failure
for 2 to 3 weeks.
Her other organs were also shutting down.
The tennis ball tumour attached to her sternum was found to be (I
quote) "A very large, reactive but otherwise normal lymph node, with
normal cortex and medullary structure, lymphoid follicles &
interstitial tissue."  In other words, not the cancer I feared...
But, the heart failure is a mystery... In the 4 weeks before she
died, 4 different vets examined her thoroughly and none could find a
problem with her heart.  In fact, a week before she died, the vet
examining her prior to her first acupuncture session, said "That's
what we like to hear, a good, strong heart!"
She must have been extraordinarily strong to last as long as she
Beth(vet) and I have talked this over  - she is beating herself over
the fact she was concentrating on her growing hind leg weakness, and
not listening enough to her thoracic region - and we think that the
emergency at the beginning of September may be implicated in this.  I
rushed Annie down to the surgery late one evening as she had been
getting more and more restless and hyper-ventilating more and more
rapidly.  The vet found she had a very high temperature which was
treated with ice packs and IV antibiotics.  In humans, a high fever
and intense infection can spark heart failure and apparently this is
so in dogs too.  It is also entirely possible that she had a
thrombosis that lodged in her leg or spinal area, producing the
symptoms of DM that she was showing.
We will never know for sure, but at least my strong willed, alpha
puppy of nearly 12 years was not a victim of cancer (a miracle as far
as I'm concerned!), but went out fighting, the way she would have
And the Annie sized hole in our lives is vast... They broke the mold
when she was born.
Liz Bradbury in Scotland, with Roxie (nearly 2) the bouncing Berner;
Newfs Toby 6 and Maggie 12 months; & the 6 Feline Fiends.

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