> hi... are you wanting xrays because you are
> interested in breeding?  or are you just wanting to
> see what's going on with his hips?  If you are
> interested in breeding, Penn-hip is the only hip
> evaluation system that would be appropriate for 
> long-term prospects of hip disease, given his age.

If someone is interested in breeding, 8 months is
simply TOO YOUNG.  A dog is more than a set of hips. 
Some of the commercial breeders, who do in fact
recognize that producing alot of pups with HD can
become VERY unprofitable when the owners complain, are
now using PennHIP and feel that because they have done
this, they are justified in breeding a dog or bitch
who may have just become sexually mature...  ALSO,
PennHIP is the ONLY registry that is not verifiable
online which may make it more attractive to the less
scrupulous (personally, I trust online verification
more than a photocopy of a certification which may
have been altered).

Please, whatever method you choose, use something that
can be sent to Berner-Garde with a status of
"Diagnosed" - as opposed to "Anectdotal " or
"Hearsay".  Only "Diagnosed" health data can be
shared.  PennHIP results, OFA prelims, or a letter
from a Board-Certified radiologist (which often costs
about the same as OFA by the way) will all qualify as
documents that can be sent to Berner-Garde.

We need to get more and more pet owners "on board" to
share the diagnoses on their non-breeding companion
animals.  REMEMBER - they are all related to breeding
dogs!  REMEMBER - a dog with Excellent Hips who has 9
dysplastic littermates is NOT as likely to produce
sound hips as a dog with Excellent Hips who has 9
littermates all rated Good or Excellent.  THE DATA ON
health of this breed.

So please - when your dog has a problem that may be
genetic in origin, make sure to contact Berner-Garde.


Thanks! (and I hope the diagnosis is a favorable one
and that he does in fact outgrow this)

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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