My Amanda has been limping for a week.  She
is limping on her front right leg.  She will put
weight on it.  It's bad when she wakes up but
then after awhile, she doesn't limp at all.  I have
been giving her 1 baby aspirin a day.  My problem
is that she is terrified of going to the vet.  I'll have
to drag her through the door.  I don't want to hurt
her anymore then she already is.  I don't feel any 
swelling or lumps.  Amanda will be 7 in January.
Any suggestions would be helpful.  She has been
resting for the past week, no walks but I have not
confined her. The vet will put her on Rimydle.  Is
baby aspirin safer then Rimydle?  Sorry I'm such a
freak when one of my babies is hurt.  She acts fine
but I know berners are stoic.
Betsy, Pete, Amanda and Remy
Hopkinton MA

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