Happy Birthday to my boy Bacchus. He was 7 on the 15th. He has been the best
boy in the whole world. He is a joy in our life every day and I thank Cindy
DeGidio and Mary Townsend for allowing this boy to be a part of our lives.

We are so grateful for the love that this boy has given us. After our scare
last year....I have looked at him in a whole different light. And I thank
those who helped give me strength as I went through what we all go through
when we think our babies are at the end. Thankfully, after seeing the
specialist, what we originally thought was osteosarcoma was "just" a build
up around the arthritic elbow. I am so grateful that it was nothing more.

But I do know enough about our breed that I fear the worst always. Bacchus
is a great boy.......he has turned out to be the best. We had a difficulty
when he was 9 months old and standing ringside for his first show. We got
yelled at from someone [I won't mention her name here] but she yelled at us
from in the ring to keep him quiet. Sorry, C, his hormones were
raging....and we were new in the breed.

But you know what? He is the best boy ever!!!! We have gotten his CGC and he
has passed the TT. That is what is so important to me.

We volunteered at a nursing home and heard a 90 yr old man speak about his
dog that he had when he was 16.....I found out later from the family that he
hadn't spoken for 3 years....he has Alzimers and hadn't spoken to his
family. But when he saw Bacchus....he spoke about Spike...the dog he had
when he was 14.....and HE was the best dog in the whole world.

This is why I loved doing the nursing home visits and why we have these
wonderful babies. They help people "open up".

Bacchus......I want you to know you have also opened up a whole new world
for me, too. If we had never met you, well.....we never would have met all
the wonderful people we have met on the berner-l. And BEHAF might never have
become an entity. If I could....might I give our sweet boy the credit? He
deserves it.

Thank you Bacchus, and a happy birthday to a wonderful boy........you gave
me the drive to do something for the breed.....and  I love you!

visit BEHAF www.BEHAF.com
or see our babies at http://community.webtv.net/bernerlover/LANDSLIDEBERNESE

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