To find a good beginner or puppy training class in your area that uses 
positive methods, check the Assoc of Pet Dog Trainers website ( 
or on one of the clicker training lists.

If you know you want to do agility or obedience, go to a local trial (info 
available at and ask the winners of the advanced classes (or 
just a dog you really liked watching who did well and was happy) who they 
recommend for lessons.

Call ahead and ask about the school's approach. Are they old fashioned Monks 
of New Skete style or Koehler (pronounced "keeler")....or are they modern and 
positive? Ask if you can observe a class or two w/out your dog. If they say 
no, run the other way. The dogs and handlers and instructor should all be 
having fun! Wagging tails and smiles, not grimaces of intense concentration 
and frightened, distracted dogs who dont notice the person on the other end 
of the leash. Are they using treats/toys/games? Not choke collar pops and a 
pat on the head as "praise?" Watching a class or two will tell you a lot 
about if this is where you want to take your baby.

Vilma Briggs 
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
and rescue Berners: Charm (Thirdtym's A CharmCGC) and Willow
and now Ted

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