Hi Carol

I can't speak form personal experience but one of my friend's Berners used
to suffer mercilessly from chronic ear problems. For years on end. Like you,
she exhausted the whole "antibiotic-drops- ear salves- etc-" range and
although all these things helped for a little while, nothing really cured
the problem. UNTIL she heard of a product called " THORNIT" , which is a
powder ( some kind of natural herbal remedy). She absolutely swears by it
and everyone else I know who has tried it thinks it's nothing short of
miraculous either. Now and then, my friend's Berner's ear still get a bit
itchy/gunky and after a couple of doses with this powder the ears look( and
smell) just fine.

here is a link http://www.championpets.co.uk/ears.htm which might explain
the product better. Or, alternatively, you could do a search on
www.dogpile.com under the search term " Thornit" and you'll find lots of

I have no connection whatsoever with this product, but I have seen first
hand how helpful it is. If you can't get it in the USA, I could always send
you some!

All the best

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert

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