Michigan, 6:30am Friday morning, four inches of freshly fallen snow. I'm tired yet awake enough to let the dogs - who can hardly contain themselves - outside. I put them out and head for the kitchen and some breakfast. As I munch on my toast I gaze out the kitchen window across the countryside at the freshly fallen snow. The darkness of the early morning is eliminated by the snow covered fields and the trees sparkle. I must admit to myself, that as much as I despise the winter months, I can't help but admire the beauty outside my window.

Then, suddenly, WHAM! There's a extremely muddy Berner plastered against the kitchen window smearing mud everywhere! My tea and toast go flying, my heart skipped several beats and I check to see if I wet myself! I scream "OFF" at the top of my lungs, run to the door where I'm greeted by an extremely wet, muddy, angelic Bueford. Oh no, no, no, not another crater. I slip my coat on over my bathrobe and head outside to survey the area for damage; down spouts are pulled off the house, nothing new there; water bucket upside-down and empty, normal. I walk further along the side of the house to the drive and am stopped dead in my tracks by what I see before me. There in the gravel drive is my husbands parked car covered with four inches of snow and it looks as if something has been trying to dig it up! I look down at Bueford standing beside me, panting hard and covered with the evidence. Oh, he's proud of this one. I scream, "NAUGHTY" pointing at the trench around the car, "what were you thinking", "have you totally lost it". All dogs are now in the down position, hanging their heads in shame, as I stand in the driveway ranting and raving. Suddenly, I hear a noise coming from under the car. Oh, for crap sake, The Black Cat is under the car!! I stare back in horror at my beloved Berner boy Bueford - who actually thought he could dig the cat out from under the car!!
What's a mother to do. . .

- Denise

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