Vicky Whitney wrote --
"(No lectures, please, on how I should have been doing this since he was
baby puppy -- I've learned my lesson, and make a solemn oath that I'll
do so
with the NEXT puppy.  Damn, I hate learning lessons the hard way .  .  .

Same goes for me! Except that I completely freaked out when I was
clipping Mickey's claws at about 7 months and I cut one too short and he
started bleeding. So now, even with some counter-conditioning and
positive reinforcement and desensitization, he STILL gets very goosey
about nail trims. He KNOWS what I'm "up to" with all that peanut butter
and praise. he just looks at me like I think he's stupid or something.
Such characters!

I'll be interested to hear if anyone has tried an anxiety wrap technique
for nail trims.
And, next puppy, I'll do things much differently!

Catherine in Madison WI
Shadow, Mickey, Jenny & Canoe

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