Had to chortle, Vicky. I have done my part to educate the public also. Last Christmas I took Sisco into the Pet Supply store where my daughter works part time. He walks in the door looking around for her. She was out of sight down on her knees getting something from behind the counter. Suddenly she pops up into view and before I had a chance to brace myself or let go of the leash, he takes a flying run around the side of the counter to get to her, with me still attached to the leash. Unfortunately there was a wire display shelving unit between us and the back side of the counter which I did a face plant into. Came up for breath with wreckage strewn everywhere, a nice deep cut right through one eyebrow, and copious blood streaming down my face - very impressive for the other customers standing around. Fortunately, a couple of butterfly Band-Aids across the damage and it healed up very nicely after about a week. Most of the scar is hidden in my eyebrow now. ;->

So I'd have to add a condition to your "Hang on to those leashes" and say "except when in confined quarters and about to face plant into dangerous furniture". Then it's better to let go, according to my daughter.

Fran Jones, Berner Booster and got the scars to prove it
West Vancouver, BC
SportSound Music: http://www.geocities.com/franinvancouver
Phone: 604-926-0084 Fax: 604-926-9543

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