I know this post is old,  I don't have a chance to read my e-mails often,
but I hope somebody has taken this poor old guy in.  He sounds like he could
really use some loving right now.  I hope everything turns out alright for
Stephanie Heeter and Brina
----- Original Message -----
From: "paula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Berner home needed

> I'm trying to help a friend place an older Berner boy.  His owner (her
> sister) is dying, is in a nursing facility and Sam is currently being
> boarded at a vet clinic.  None of the family involved is able to take
> Sam and his situation is adding to their already substantial stress.
> Sam is 12 years old, arthritic and has recently been ill with vomiting.
> The vomiting has since stopped and I believe the vet thinks it was
> stress related, however tests have been done to rule out stomach cancer
> and I'm not sure what else.  The vet could probably answer these
> questions. Sam takes 2 meds for arthritic sorts of things and Ecogesic
> which stopped the vomiting.
> He is used to city life with a "single" parent, but takes happily to
> whomever has been assigned to walk him.  He's very easygoing, but has
> been overindulged.  He is not USED to living with children, but they
> love him, and there has never been a problem.  As you must know, small
> children immediately try to ride him.
> He has no experience living with other dogs or with cats.  He plays at
> the
> dog park with other dogs very well.  He's a friendly, affectionate,
> lovey dog, who has not received his share of loving for months now,
> since his owner has been so very sick.  They adore him at the vet's.
> Sam is currently in the Washington, D. C. area, but the family is
> willing to help relocate him to the right home.  He comes with all the
> dog stuff (beds, leashes, dishes, assorted odds and ends) he will need
> as well as cash to help pay for any future medication and/or veterinary
> care.
> If you, or anyone you know, could provide a retirement home for Sam,
> please let me know and I will put you in touch directly with his owner's
> sister.
> Thanks.
> Paula Whiting

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