Poor Major -- first we hear about his personal (and private) adolescent
sexual escapades and now we learn that he is a major wimp when it comes to
his nails. Vickey -- did your children used to say that you were
embarrassing them??!! Oh well, we promise not to tell Major that his mother
is telling stories about him.

My dogs get plenty of exercise and do not wear the nails short enough so I
trim them -- either with clippers or a dremmel -- and they bear it well
because there are cookies involved. It is a simple process to change the
dog's perspective about nail trimming -- just reward for the small steps
(for example, touching a nail) and build up to actually trimming the nails.

Or here is another strategy -- I have been trimming the nails of our puppies
and that is a piece of cake. Vickey -- just tell Major that even babies let
their nails be trimmed -- add shame to his public humiliation ;)

Mary-Ann Bowman
Emma, Abra, Maize and the adorable ten-pack (five weeks tomorrow :)

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