A recent post asked about ehrlichia and although I cannot help with ideas
for treatment etc I though the List might be interested to hear that
apparently a case has been diagnosed here in South Africa in a lady who
works her Goldens. She was hospitalised with an unknown diagnosis and little
was achieved in finding out what was wrong. She complained of feeling "like
my dog with biliary" (tick bite fever) and one her friends who is a Vet
Nurse said her symptoms sounded like ehrlichia.

A test was sent from the States and confirmed the diagnosis and she was
treated with a fairly low-key antibiotic which has done the trick.

This is the first case recorded in humans here. I have seen it over the
years in a couple of my dogs who recovered without any problems after
treatment by the vet.

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)

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