Anybody out there with intact males or even altered ones ever experienced the following? About 8 months or so ago Sisco had a couple of days of occasional few drops of bloody discharge from his penis. Took him to the vet who, of course, couldn't find anything wrong and figured he just might have snagged his privates on some brambles or something on one of his rambles through the woods. Nothing was done, and it went away. Now he's just started with the encore performance in the past few days. Occasionally, once or twice a day, a few drops of blood, again discharged from his penis; shows up on the floor after he's been lying around, and when examined, you can see it coming from the actual penile canal opening. No pain, no swelling, no sensitivity to being handled, no change of any appetite, behaviour, or bodily discharges - nada. Anyone?

Fran Jones & Sisco (MOoom, that's my privates you're discussing!)
SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084 Fax: 604-926-9543

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