Many people forward jokes, etc & leave on all the addresses of other people
who have received the fwd email.  When a person who has a virus in their
computer receives such an email with all those email addresses (sometimes
forwarded 4-6 times & you have to click, click, click to get to the one that
has the email you were sent), the virus can then pick up all those addresses
& email itself to all those people, probably none of whom you know!

The best way to send 'group' emails is to put To: All My Friends (ie)     &
list all the actual group email addresses
in the CC:    The reason for this is when others receive the group email,
none of the other recipients' email addresses show & a virus cannot see the
email addresses either!    I checked this out with my server techs.

Also, when you receive a fwd message you want to pass on, be sure to delete
the sender's name(s) & email address(s) that appear at the top of the actual
message with the date, etc.  That way, the people's addresses won't be
passed on.

Windraider Kennels
Bernese Mtn Dogs - Int Am BIS Can CH Windraider's Black Oak v Bevs , HIT,
CGC, TDI  "Tobin"
                                Windraider's Manjula v Bev's   "Jul"
                                Windraider's Seven Seas Briggand  "Briggand"
7 mo
                                Windraider's Black Oak Conspiracy   "Brenna"
7 mo
Flat Coated Retv - Int Am CH Twofold Samba Sam, CGC, TDI "Sam" (liver-DK
Pembroke W. Corgi - Annline's Extra Well Done "Miles" (FI imp)   r/w   13 mo
Labs & Eskie - Scout, Babe & Klondike

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