One other thing that I need to say.

Don't feel intimidated by the list of stuff that I do. I take on big things because I 
like a challenge or I'm crazy, or perhaps a little of both.

But the small efforts that everyone does everyday: telling those people ooohing and 
ahhhing over your dog that they do shed, or that they really do get this big, or that 
pet stores are bad places to buy a puppy, or that untrained Berners can turn into 
adolescent monsters, etc etc - Those combined efforts get to a lot more people and 
help the breed a great deal more than my efforts - believe it! 

We don't just need big efforts, we need the small everyday efforts too. You can each 
make a big difference, even if it's for the life of one family, or one dog. Like the 
story of the boy walking on the beach covered with millions of starfish, throwing them 
back in the ocean one at a time. The person walking nearby asks him why he bothers, 
it's not making any difference. "But it makes a difference for the ones I throw back 
in the ocean" the boy replies.

Make a difference, one by one. There are a great many of us...

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA
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