I can certainly relate to this as my 11-month old is a very active sock
eater. Clean, dirty, old, new. Stevie has no specific preference. In fact
about a month ago I had to rush him to the vet at 1:30 in the morning as he
was choking on a piece of "sock".  All turned out fine but a very quick
$150.00 later, but a valuable lesson learned.  I bought Stevie a Kong and
when I go out I put peanut butter in the center, not full mind you but
enough that it keeps him busy for a long time. I video taped him after doing
so, while I was out of the house, and he cleaned out the peanut butter and
chewed away on the kong for quite some time. I also crate him when I cant be
there to keep an eye on him. Otherwise he goes where I go. Best of luck to
you and yours.
Hugs and Big Berner Belly Rubs
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: Bone/Rag Eater, Kongs, Dew Claws

First, my apologies, I accidently sent a blank e-mail, too quick with the
click!  I would like to recommend for Carol that she watch very closely for
"greenish" color vomit.  My lovely boy, Comet, age 11 1/2 months just ate
three red shop rags last week.  We think he accomplished this Friday.  On
Saturday one passed, then he had a bout of vomiting, brown frothy liquid.
vet is a close friend of mine, and on her recommendation, we just watched
very closely, crated him, no food/no water.  On Sunday, another rag passed
with my help (fun experience), and on Sunday night the final rag.  Monday he
was normal, normal eating, normal bowels, etc. and still normal, wanting to
eat everything in sight! So, patience might help, but any vomiting should be

Second, I would like to know if anyone out there uses Kongs as a treat when
they are away from home for their Berner.  My boy tends to get bored easily
when I leave him.   I'm looking for a way to entertain him while I am away
for a few hours.

Third, my comment on dewclaws.  My breeder did not remove Comet's back
dewclaws when he was born.  They were HUGE, almost like another toe.  We
called him duck dog as it looked like he had webbed feet.  Her vet would not
remove them because of their size.  We waited until he was neutered, which
meant it was a major deal.  He was wrapped from bottom of foot to midcalf.
Very difficult to keep dry and clean.  He had major stitches there and a
great deal of pain, much more pain there than the neutering pain!   After
this experience, I would highly recommend they come off as soon as you can
after birth!

Just my two cents worth!  Please e-mail me privately or post about Kongs.
I'm anxious to hear everyone's experiences.  Or any other suggestions for
entertainment of my 11-month old in active puberty male!

Thanks in advance,

Candi Appl and Sophia (11 years and still going, but hating the cold), Chloe
(6 years), and Comet (named after the reindeer, isn't my birthday Christmas
Eve Mom?  Maybe a Kong?)  in cold Illinois!

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