Of course every person is a little different.
My husband and I didn't marry until we were thirty. We wanted children 
but wanted to be married a few years before we added the responsibility of a 
child. So our dog came first. I will never regret doing it that way.

Spencer (our first berner) WAS our baby. He went everywhere in 
the car with me, he went to work with me, if he couldn't go with us, we didn't
go at all... just like a baby.

We decided to show Spencer when I got pregnant. It was a fun diversion from
feeling awful all the time. Right about the time he finished to his 
I was getting too big to travel comfortably anymore. I had a sense that 
always knew that Anthony was coming.

I had my first (and so far, only) child in January 01. My husband brought 
the blanket that was first used to wrap Anthony so it smelled like him.
When we brought Anthony home Spencer acted like he knew him already.

Spencer, my gentle giant, never as much as startled my small son and at the 
same time was not shy or scared to walk up to him and sniff him out or give 
him big slobbery kisses. Spencer always got his "Spencer time" after Anthony 
came home.

When Anthony turned 10 months we added another berner boy to our home, Elwood.
Spencer and Elwood taught Anthony how to walk and waterski on the wood floors.
Anthony taught Elwood and Spencer about children and tolerance.

Today, Anthony is 22 months. I have two 115 lb boys in my home. Is it 
cramped? Yes.
Is is chiaotic? At times. Is it worth it? Every bit... 

Getting my dog BEFORE the baby taught me A LOT about the responsibilities of 
being a mom. Midnight trips to the vet. Long drives to the shows. Worry, 
memories and unconditional love. My canine boys are just two other sons. I 
feel so blessed to have such strong connections to both.

My two cents.

Laura Caprara

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