A Swiss study some years ago found that glomerulonephritis, a form of kidney 
disease, had a relatively high incidence in BMDs and apprears to have a 
genetic component. 

The following is snipped from the AKC-CHF newsletter:

"New Screening Test for Kidney Disease"
"Renal disease is the second leading cause of death in dogs and often goes 
undetected until it is too late.  Heska Corp. has announced a new 
E.R.D.-ScreenTM Test, a rapid in-clinic immunoassay that detects trace 
amounts of albumin in urine, a condition believed to be assocated with the 
early statges of renal disease.  The test provides veterinarians with a rapid 
(results within five minutes) and inexpensive tool toidentify dogs in the 
earliest stages of the disease."  FMI www.heska.com

Anyone familiar with this test yet?  IF it's accurate and the premise is 
correct, it sure seems like it would make sense to make it a regular part of 
your BMD's annual physical.

-Sherri Venditti

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