
In answer to your question about osteo and cats, we
had a male cat about 6 years old.  One day we noticed
a growth on his gum line and called the vet.  Vet came
over the next day and said bring him in next week and
we will biopsy the growth.  I took him in the next
week and 20 minutes after leaving him Ed called.  The
growth had grown dramatically in that week and had
extended into his jaw.  
we opted not to awaken him from the anesthesia.  The
biopsy came back as osteo.  

We made our decision based on the location and
agressive growth of the tumor.  I also called my
brother-in-law who is a vet and he echeoed what our
vet told us.  There is viturally no cure and the
surgery would have entailed the removal of most of his
lower jaw.  Radiation and chemo are essentially not
effective and Rocky's short time left would be filled
with pain.  We couldn't do that to him.

I don't know anything about the disease is the leg,
except that it is fairly common in the front leg near
the shoulder area and some questions have been raised
with regard to this location and vaccinations.  I have
not read any studies relating to this.  I would
investigate prognonsis as it relates to location of
the cancer.  Have had several friends with cats that
have developed cancer in this area and after
amputation of the leg, the cats have gone on to live
quite well.  Hope this is the case for you.

Sorry to ramble, but I have been up since 5am and I am
NOT a morning person.

Good luck to you and your baby!

Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Striving to be worthy of my beautiful Berner girls...
Miss Kitty (Swiss Stars Cat Balou)
Splash (Swiss Stars Over Niagara)
And Struggling to live up to "A tired puppy is a good puppy."
Cutter (Swiss Stars Black Diamond)

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