I need a little help on what I think to be an unusual situation.  My 21 month 
old male was neuter three weeks ago (11/25) and was on restricted activity 
for 5 days following.   His post operative course was uneventful.  Last night 
his scotal sac swelled to about the size of a grapefruit, very tender.  We 
went to the vet early this AM--he had a bit of a fever (103) and is still 
tender.  Otherwise normal behavior and appetite.  She thinks it is a seroma 
or hematoma.  He was put on Keflex (cephalexin) and Rimadyl.  If it does not 
start to reaborb in 2 days he will have surgery to lance it.  Other health 
history that is pertinent is that he is in the process of being evaluated for 
high blood pressure, all labs are normal and urine has not protein (although 
had some granular casts on microscopic).  I am a little hesitant to use 
non-steroidal anti-inflammatories with the potential blood pressure problem 
but not sure what else to do.  Anyone have experience with this scrotal thing 
three weeks post-neuter?
You can email me privately and thanks so much in advance.
Dottie, Chase and Trey (well-hung today)
Greeley, Colorado

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