Chester is bored silly; that is his problem. So, give him a job to do. Take
Chester to Obedience School. Dogs love to learn, and they love the
one-on-one quality time they get in Obedience training. This will cost you
one hour per week, plus 15-30 minutes, daily, doing "homework". Obedience,
plus the Exercise program that someone else on the list suggested, should
solve your Enron Dog problems. You will all have fun with this. Sara Steele

----- Original Message -----
From: Bonawitz, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 8:55 AM
Subject: low lying pillows, newspapers, and magazines are in danger!

> I have a 16 month old male Berner who has suddenly developed a bad habit.
> My wife and I both work, and for months Chester "behaved himself"
> while we were gone (we pretty much give him free reign in the house).  In
> the past few weeks, all of a sudden, if there are any newspapers or
> magazines lying on the coffee table (in our family room, which due to it's
> size we can't close off), we come home to find that he's shredded them
> better than an Enron employee.  He seems to know that it's bad since as
> as we open the door and see it, he takes off.  I've tried taking him over
> the shredded papers and telling him "no" as well as taking him to [OK]
> papers lying on the table and telling him "no", but it does no good.  We
> leave no papers on the coffee table, but he then goes after the pillows on
> the sofa (smart little bastard!).
> I would really prefer not to crate him all day, especially since he was so
> good for ~ 8 months of this (and day care was too expensive).  However,
> family room has lost it's comfort with all of the pillows now stored up on
> top of the sofa backs and no reading material on the coffee table while
> we're gone.  We have bones lying there for him to play with, which he does
> do sometimes, but I don't know if he gets bored with it or what.  Any
> suggestions as to what I can try doing?
> Thanks
> - Greg

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