In a message dated 1/2/2003 11:56:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> The surgeon who gave me the diagnosis told me that she was not a candidate 
> for surgery but that she should have glucosamine/chondroitin 
> for the rest of her life,

Hi Anne,

There are a bazillion glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate products out there, 
with both veterinary and human labelling.  Not all the products are created 
Independent lab tests have repeatedly shown than many (most) of the G/CS 
products didn't actually contain the level of active ingredients they were 
labelled as.  Not much good to save money up front but end up paying for a 
So, I think the first question is which supplement are you going to use?  The 
veterinary products with the strongest research behind them and credibility 
for having in the jar what's on the label, are Cosequin DS by Nutramax and 
GlycoFlex-II and GlycoFlex-III made by Vetri-Science Laboratories.  You'll 
find extensive websites for both companies and dosing guidelines for 
treatment and maintainance based on weight.

Both are theoretically sold sold through vets but I know Cosequin is widely 
available online and would guess the same might be true for Glyco-Flex.

-Sherri Venditti

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