The other thing to be concerned about when reviewing brands and ingredients is digestibility. I believe even opening the capsule and putting the powder on food makes a difference. The latest fad in vitamins is a spray delivery system for better absorption. More effective? I don't know.
When these products first came out one of my vets mentioned that it made no sense to him that any of these supplements would be effective as he did not believe they stayed in the GI system long enough to be absorbed. But he also said he can't deny that he's seen positive effects, it just puzzled him. This was years back, don't know what his thinking is now. jane heggen & the boys of iowa ----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:08 AM Subject: Re: Glucosamine/Chondroitin--brand name vs generic > > Nancy wrote: > > I should go to the COSTCO and buy the human formulation of Cosequin DS. It > > was much cheaper and is identical in formulation. > > Vilma wrote: > > Maybe. Maybe not. > > Generic over the counter products may or may not contain what the label > > claims they do. > > and my .02 <g> > > The company that makes Cosequin DS (Nutramax Labs) markets the same product > for people under the Cosemin DS label... as well as their original powder > formulation for horses. Wish there was a Costco near me....<g> > > -Sherri V. > > >