I probably should have sent this a week ago, but for next time.  What to
do with all that left-over turkey carcass??  Well, you can still make
your own turkey soup, but you can also take all the left-over bones -
that includes the drumsticks and wings and of course the body and put it
in your crock pot with some garlic, herbs and whatever veggies - fill
with water until bones are covered and the slow-cook it for at least 24
hours. The bones should crumble in between your fingers.  Spoon this
over your dog's regular food - they LOVE IT!  Freeze any excess.  In
fact, you can do this with just about any type of foul - if you happen
to have a large chicken.  Save up the bones, and then slow cook them for
the dogs.    Beats the hell out of buying canned dog food!

Hunka Hunka Berner Love - Kimberlite Reg'd.
Debbie Tripp - Saskatchewan Canada - Berners since 1986  

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