Please, people who write to the list about Bernese with eye problems, consider taking your dog(s) to a specialist who has the kind of highly trained and developed skills and sophisticated equipment necessary to make a firm diagnosis. Your veterinarian can refer you to a specialist in your general area.
To the person with the Berner with the eye socket problem; can you be a little more specific? Is this entropian? Has the breeder actually seen the dog's eyes? I was, for a long while, always wiping Yoda's goopy eyes and putting various prescribed ointments in them.
My Yoda (1992-2002) had runny eyes from day one and eventually required about five surgeries (three in one eye, two in the other) to correct entropian. Although his breeder's advice was always very valuable to me, she lived three thousand miles from us and saw Yoda only two or three times, at Nationals. Since some eye conditions can cause or lead to loss of sight, an appointment with an eye specialist would be best for the dog and put your mind at ease.
Lisa Allen

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