Hi Joseph,

I live UK by the Welsh Borders and when I collected wee Sunny Girl eight
years ago we had a cold winter and snow. We collected her beginning of
December just eight weeks old.

She loved the funny white stuff, as did Big Bro Sam, and it was cold out
there. Sunny saved us humans the middle of the night venturing outside by
very quickly discovering the cat flap! Just naturally followed the cats in
and out as she was about the same size as them anyway when she first
arrived. She house trained herself. As she grew, I replaced the outside flap
with slightly larger (Well, medium sized) dog flap and she still goes in and
out of there. Next puppy, Sim, also trained himself  and huge as he is now,
yes, he still gets in and out too.

I took some pics of this remarkable event a couple of years ago:

If you have secure area outside the house, installing a flap is a great

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Gang

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