Berners have been a part of my family for twenty years.
I would say, and this is but a general statement, that the biggest change in the breed, perhaps, is that the breeding, buying, and selling of Bernese has become big business more so than the breed can handle and afford rather than the infrequent, labor of love and mentorship and long years of study which it used to be, at least enough to instill in one a greater feeling of confidence.
And, soon, I feel, we shall face, in greater and greater numbers, across the board, both well-intentioned owners and the less conscientious who will not be able to handle the extreme health problems to which Bernese are so prone and this, I feel, should be a most major concern to fanciers as over 2,000 AKC registered pups are whelped each year in this country (USA) alone.
Lisa Allen

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