This List is something like talking to God ---  You
frequently don't get in touch until you need

I was visiting with another dog-person (you know what
I mean) at water aerobics.  I was telling her about
Gulliver's cheek lump.  Explaining that he is acting
totally normally and does not exhibit any pain when I
touch that area, yet our vet recommended dental
exrays.  She said there were only 2 specialists in
Michigan, one in Detroit, the other Kalamazoo.  I
don't know if this malady warrents a specialist.  
But it makes me think that I wish I knew how to get
the very best vet. for my family.  Greta will be going
in shortly for her exrays.  Although cheeper, I'm not
inclined to use MSU because they don't use anesthsia
and do not allow you to be present.
 I am sure there is The Best Place to get your exrays
too.  Is the only way to get such information through
the grape vine? 
 And this leads me to yet another question. I recently
read some debate on the appropriatness of the vaccine
regime.  If we don't follow the protocol we can't buy
our dog license.
I would lovea to get the opinions of all of you with
Happy Trails, Jeannie in Michigan
Greta, Gulliver, my BARC lover boy, and Soph forever

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