I do consider myself an expert on the subject of camping in the snow with Berners 
(thanks, Barb!)  - ZenMaster Max, the Winter-boy and I have spent many a night in 
freezing temperatures in the snowiest of weather.  I have to say the Berner boys have 
NEVER been cold - not once!  Before I had Berners I used to go snow camping with my 
golden retrievers, and they would get very cold when the sun disappeared and the 
temperatures dropped.   We trained them to sleep on insulated pads so they wouldn't 
freeze on the snow.  One trip was so cold in the subzero temperatures that one of the 
goldens crawled into my husband's sleeping bag and slept there all night!  Max and 
Winter have never so much as shivered in the snow.   I do have them sleep in the tent, 
and they are well trained to sleep up against the edge of the tent and stay out of the 
way of the people.  I often put my empty pack down for them to sleep on just to give 
some added insulation.   I prefer having the dogs sleep in the tent so I know where 
they are, and they don't start barking at some noise in the night.  I would expect a 
nine month old Berner like Yogi with a good coat can sleep well in temperatures below 
zero.  If you can stand it, so can he!  But do let him be in the tent so you know if 
he's having any problems.  If a dog does start shivering, put insulation down under 
them to protect them from the snow and they should be fine.  Winter has a shaved tummy 
from his recent bloat surgery and still has never shivered in the snow - these are 
true snow dogs!
    Enjoy your camping trip with Yogi!
Best wishes from us - Ruth Nielsen, ZenMaster Max and the Winter-boy - snow camping 
fools in the North Cascades of Washington

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