> Can anyone help with the following? My 13 month old Berner Boy licks and
> gently chews on his front paws. The skin between the "toes" appears red
> sore. I tried putting a bit of Vaseline in there to no avail. Is there
> anyting topical anyone suggest to stop this?

Could be an allergy. My older non-berner, Bart, is allergic to ragweed, and
the symptoms sound the same. He will lick his paws until they are raw if I
let him (I don't). Bart's allergies are seasonal (late summer to late fall).
I have pretty good success by giving him fatty acid supplements starting in
June, and antihistamine when the allergy effects begin to show (talk to your
vet about appropriate doses). During really bad years, he goes onto Vanectyl
P tablets, but this is best avoided if possible, since it contains a steroid
and is not good for the liver. It also increases his drinking and urination.


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