I can comment on this story as I live in TN.  The details make it all the
more horrible. It was two carloads of family members. Parents and one
child(and dogs) in one car and grandparents and two other kids in the car
behind. It was not just one police car but THREE. Only the driver in the
first car was out being handcuffed so presumably (?) the other occupants
could have shut the door? Maybe they were intimidated by the whole
situation. The police officer who shot the dog had many other officers
around to help him if the dog had actually bit him (no need to shoot before
an actual attack).  It was also not just a shot. The officer shot the dog's
head off! In front of all the family members.
The whole community is shocked by this. It seems the family is suing. I also
wonder at the individual who called in the "robbery".  They claimed there
was lots of money flying out the window and the car was going 110 mph. I
really don't think that was the case. Who would start this manhunt for a few
bills flying around on the freeway?! I certainly hope they are ashamed.
Unfortunately, I'm sure the officer will get off with a hand slap. What is
it they say? People who are cruel to animals are more likely to be

Amy Hutson

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