In a message dated 1/11/2003 12:30:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

>  My dog is very sweet and he loves to play, but the 
>  problem is that he jump on people 

Hi Mariana,
Yes, big dogs jumping on people can be a problem, he could easily knock them 
down in his enthusiasm. 

First of all, think about why he jumps up. He wants to greet the new person. 
He is trying to be friendly and polite and say "hi" in the person's face, 
which is up in the air....he thinks he has to jump to get to the face. 
Remember this is is friendly greeting when teaching him to stay "4 on the 
floor" and let people come down to say hi to him. 

That is the reason I do NOT like to use aversive (negative, bad) methods to 
punish the dog for jumping. He isnt trying to do anything but greet someone 
in what he thinks is the proper way. I do not beleive in using the 
suggestions you may hear that are based on hurting him.....examples:  
stepping on the dog's hind feet or kneeing/kicking him in the chest or 
grabbing and squeezing his front paws. 

My goal is to cause him to be correct or "do the right thing" .....then  I 
can *reward* the correct behavior.   My approach is not to try and cause him 
to be wrong and then *punish* the incorrect behavior. 

Leave a 6 foot leash attached to his collar, dragging on the floor. Have a 
friend come over to say hi. You simply stand on the end of the leash as she 
comes in. If he tries to jump on your friend, she should simply step away, 
out of his range (he is stuck and cannot follow her b/c you are standing on 
the leash) and turn her back on him. Say nothing, both of you. Then 5-10 
seconds later, she should turn back and approach him, telling him to "sit" 
(of course first you must teach him so he knows what the command "sit" 
means)....if he does sit, she should pet him and tell him calmly and quietly 
what a wonderful, good dog he is. She can even have a little treat for him to 
lure him into the sit and give to him if he does sit. If he does not sit and 
instead  he jumps up again, she should simply turn away from him and step out 
of range  and ignore he can no longer get to her, just like 
before. This may need to be repeated many times, since he is already in a bad 
habit. Be patient! Eventually he should figure out that he gets what he wants 
(petted and treats) if he does what you want (sit or stand w/ all 4 paws on 
the floor.)  

Of course you will need to do this w/ many different people and no one should 
let the dog jump or he will be confused.

Be sure to give him lots of exercise so he is not all wound up w/ energy and 
if he isnt neutered yet, do it as soon as possible. Hormones can make for 
maniacs! :-)

Best of luck and keep us posted.

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
and Ted

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