April 29, 1995 - January 14, 2003

It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to my dear Bianca. She never asked for anything but love, she never did anything wrong, she went in the show ring with grace, clowned around in obedience class, and mothered anything that cried. She once carried a baby mouse around in her mouth for over an hour to keep the other dogs from hurting it. She adopted a stray cat once and I would find the cat sleeping on her back in the sun although the cat would not let me near it. She was one major win away from her championship, she was an ambassador to the breed. She was born in Switzerland, I met her at 4 weeks of age, and she came to live in Virginia a few weeks later. She was my second berner, and the first one I have lost.

Although she was never bred, she raised my Raven and even Raven's litter - taught all the younger dogs manners - which they all needed, comforted me during my illness, and had a arrroooooooooo yodel unlike any of my other berners. She is my Hooey Monster, Hoosters, Hooties, Binanca, Hoots, and all those other silly names we have for our dogs.

We helped her peacefully to Rainbow Bridge in my arms this afternoon around 4:30pm - she was diagnosed with malignant histiocytosis on Friday. Her decline was rapid - within 3 weeks she lost incredible weight, stopped eating, and became week, Her blood work was horrible, but her x-rays clean. We did a bone marrow biopsy Friday and there were barely any normal cells.

She passed peacefully in my arms with dignity - Wendi Giordano is one of the best people as she stayed up with me most of the night and was there to help when Bianca passed today. My vets were marvelous, calm, and caring.

Before she went we drew blood for the study at the Fred Hutchinson Institute - this was not easy as her system was shutting down but IT HAD TO BE DONE! She will continue to live on - both in her legacy in my family, and in her work she is doing for other berners.

I could not let her suffer any longer and this was one of the hardest decisions I have made in my life. But having been through chemo on my own, I was not about to subject her to even a day of it for maybe a week longer with her - that would not be fair to her - she gave me so much in her wonderful life.

As the vets left with her and my dogs grew silent, it began to snow.......... Winston, Bianca is looking for you! Please show her the ropes!

I miss you so much Bianca!
Molly, Bogen, Raven, Kosak, and Anouschka
Bianca, you will always be in my heart and soul

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